MSHA Compliance Requirements
Due to the Chattanooga Plant and Quarry being considered Part 46 Mine Sites, each contractor who has an MSHA Contractor ID already, or any contractor working over 5 days or frequently, must maintain the following paperwork and be able to produce said paperwork on request to either a representative of Buzzi Unicem, or MSHA:
• Legal Identity per Part 41,
• Independent Contractor Registry per Part 45,
• Training Plan per Part 46,
• Training records in compliance with Part 46 (New Miner, Experienced Miner, Annual Refresher, Task, etc.),
• HazCom compliance per Part 47,
• Quarterly Reporting per Part 50 (hours and average number of workers for last quarter – always requested by MSHA during inspections),
• Accident Reports per Part 50,
• Daily pre-work Workplace Exams per the 2017 56.18002 rule,
• Mobile Equipment Inspections,
• Grounding and Continuity tests for electrical appliances, equipment, tools, and cords, and
• Fire Fighting equipment inspections
This is a long list of items, and can be quite daunting; however, once everything is in place, it is only a matter of maintenance.
Informational website on contractor compliance:
There are a few sites that can help in the setting up and maintaining documentation:
• www.msha.gov
• Part 46 Training Plan Kit: https://arlweb.msha.gov/training/PART46/PART46SKNF.PDF
• Forms and Online Filing: https://www.msha.gov/forms-online-filing
• A low-cost website which takes care of New Miner and Annual Refresher training, along with compiling and tracking of all paperwork while performing all on-time filings: www.Part46Compliance.com
• New Miner and Annual Refresher Training: https://www.eduwhere.com/courses.php